We apply the strictest quality and health controls
To all our products throughout the various stages, from the moment they are caught and handled to the production and packaging processes. The application of these controls throughout the whole supply chain enables us to ensure traceability and preserve the nutritional value and highest freshness of the product.
Our quality and food safety policy encompasses and involves all the business’s departments to promote continuous improvement. We also have a Quality Control team which works exclusively on inspecting the goods,
collecting samples, analysis, hygiene plans, temperature control... in short, all the necessary protocols to comply with current regulations and ensure the highest quality and guarantees with one single goal:
The satisfaction of our clients and the complete safety of the product for the end user.
With this information, delivery of orders can be made to specific markets in whatever way is required to ensure the highest quality is provided.
In our commitment to the environment, we are currently developing a FIP (Fishery Improvement Project) alongside other companies and bodies in the Sector to
certify the sustainability of longline fishing by the European fleet,
in which the Spanish fleet is especially prominent. This is an exciting project named FIP BLUES – Blue Shark and Swordfish EU Surface Longline.